With Thanksgiving just a couple weeks away, now is the time to mentally prepare to spend time with your family. If you live away from home while in college, the holidays are a great time to catch up with family that you may not get to see regularly. However, every family has its complications and Thanksgiving can be a very stressful time for some people. Here are the good, bad and ugly parts of Thanksgiving to help you get in the right mindset for the holidays.
The Good: Though it is a short break, Thanksgiving is still a time to relax and unwind before the stress of exams sets in. It is also a chance to eat a delicious meal and slip into a peaceful food coma after eating. If you go home for Thanksgiving, this is also a good time to do laundry and stock up on groceries before heading back to school.
The Bad: Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to spend time with family, but being away from friends and your routine at school can be strange, especially if this is your first semester of college. This short break can also be a difficult time if you happen to have a professor who actually assigns work over the holidays.
The Ugly: Even if you haven’t experienced it yourself yet, we all know about the most dreaded part of Thanksgiving: inappropriate conversations with distant relatives at the dinner table. This holiday season, you might have to continuously stop your uncle from being politically incorrect or tell your grandma that no, you’re still not dating anybody, but just hang in there.
Thanksgiving, like every holiday, has its ups and downs but is ultimately just a chance for family to come together and recognize how grateful we are for the people in our lives! Happy Holidays!