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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

To all you dog lovers who are more obsessed with your pup than most humans, you will relate to this. I could have probably came up with a million reasons as to why my dog is my soulmate, but I’ve narrowed it down to ten for you all. Hope you can relate!

1.       When you go home, you get more excited to see your puppy more than to see your own parents.


2.       You have more pictures of them then anyone/anything else on your phone.

3.       You have at least one picture frame with them in your room–AT LEAST one.

4.       They help you make life decisions more than family and friends.

5.       On Christmas, they usually have more presents than you do.

6.       You think they’re smarter than any human you’ve ever met.

7.       You would choose cuddling with them more than with your significant other.

8.       The thought of losing your dog is equivalent to a death in the family.

9.       Your dog eats before you even get to your meal.

10.   You actually don’t mind waking up early to let them use the bathroom.