Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and being a full-time college student isn’t exactly the ideal way to get great gifts for our men. So, to help you out, we’ve created a list of five guy-friendly (yet, affordable) gifts.
After shave
Gift-greatness is measured by usability, so if you’re in a pinch, after-shave is the way to go. Your man will not only appreciate the gift, but he’ll look good doing it with his baby-smooth face.
Your boyfriend’s wallet is ripped, worn… and ew—is that melted chocolate on the corner? Do your boyfriend a favor, and get him an upgrade, he desperately needs it.
Find it at Target for $19.99
Engraved Guitar pick
For the music lover in your life. Let him strum his guitar strings with a custom engraved guitar pick with your names on it!
Find it on sale at Things Remembered for $20
Video game controller made of candy
And… for the gamer in your life. Seriously, can we just take a second to drool over how cool this is? Cutely wrap it in clear plastic, and tie it off with a ribbon.
Find it on Amazon for $19.99
Homemade Food basket
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach…well, at least that’s how the saying goes. Surprise your man with some sweet delicacies and pastries in an adorable basket.