The holidays are over, and for most of us, that means one thing: the commencement of the spring semester. Regardless of your major, living situation or friend group, you’re pretty much guaranteed to encounter both moments of bliss and moments of worry as you begin the year with a fresh start. As college students, the new year not only means a new calendar but also an entirely different schedule complete with unique responsibilities. That being said, there are some emotions that almost every college student finds herself experiencing as she leaves home and re-enters the college arena. However, instead of describing the typical first day back to school from my own perspective, I thought I’d do it with the help of one of my favorite TV shows: Brooklyn Nine-Nine. So, here are six times Brooklyn Nine-Nine perfectly described your first day back to school.
1. When the entire squad united in the dorkiest fashion
As much as we love spending time with family over the holiday break, there’s really no better feeling than being reunited with our best friends. When the whole squad gets together, is there really anything you can’t do?
2. When Terry handled a stressful situation in the most rational way
There’s only one thing more stressful than registering for classes: actually taking those classes. Emails from professors, new syllabi and class schedules are most likely popping up in your inbox so fast it’ll make you want to end the suffering and smash your laptop into oblivion (ok, that was dramatic but we’ve all been there).
3. When Gina just wasn’t feeling it
Who doesn’t love a good ice-breaker to start off a new class? Answer: everyone. We’ve all experienced that feeling of dread when the professor starts talking about “getting to know each other,” and there’s really nothing more awkward than standing up in front of 25 strangers and telling them one fun fact about yourself. It’s a hard pass for me!
4. When Doug Judy (aka the Pontiac Bandit) was just really happy to see Jake
The first day of a new semester can be a little scary, but nothing makes it better like finding out you’re in the same class with one of your friends. Yay for suffering together!
5. When Jake did not care at all
Raise your hand if you’ve dropped a class after the first day! I’ll be honest—there have been times (I’m talking more than twice) when I’ve decided to drop a class within the first ten minutes of the professor saying “Good morning.” But hey, I’m still here!
6. And finally, when Charles thought the worst
So you probably weren’t shot in the butt like Charles, but maybe the first day of school had you thinking you might not make it through. But, just like Charles, you managed to survive and now you can show the rest of the year who’s boss! Â
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