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Realizing You Need Extra Credit, as Told by Chandler Bing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

The end of the semester is drawing near, and your professor is (finally) giving you some insight as to what your final grade will be…and it isn’t pretty. You need extra credit, but the syllabus strictly says, “Do not show up at my office before finals asking for extra credit.” Fantastic. 


Panicking, you ask a friend for advice. She has her sh*t together, so she doesn’t understand “needing” extra credit. Ugh. 


You fall into a mixure of anxiety and overall hopelessness, stuffing your face while you stare at your grades on Blackboard. 


Totally over freaking out about it, you decide to pamper yourself. 

(Note: you are not ACTUALLY done freaking out about it. This is the calm before the storm.)


After having your friends pump you up, you head out the door to your prof’s office hours, wearing your most studious outfit for full effect. 


You arrive and stand face-to-face with your professor, probably crack a joke related to the subject they teach, and make it really awkward. 


Aaaand they shoot you down. Point to the sentence on the syllabus that says not to do exactly what you’re doing right now. And shuffle you out of their office. You’re doomed. It’s over. 

…Maybe you’ll miraculously get an A on the final and be okay? 


Olivia is a senior at UNCW, majoring in Creative Writing. She enjoys color coding all things possible and hanging string lights year-round.