Spring semester is just beginning to pick up, however, it is still important to prepare for things that may arise over the stretch of a semester. Part of preparing is knowing where to go when you are in a tough situation. Here’s a list of campus resources that can easily assist with common college students dilemmas.
Perfect Place to Relieve Stress
UNF Counseling Center
Very few people know that we have a counseling center right here on campus. Best part about it… it’s FREE! Located in building 2, founders hall, the counseling center is open monday through friday from 8-5 for any UNF student going through a tough time or in need of someone to talk to. Appointments must be scheduled five days in advance and everything discussed with a counselor is confidential.
Forget a Study Buddy
ACE, Path and Writing Center
Don’t worry when the smartest kid in class shuts you down as a studying partner. UNF has a plethora of tutoring opportunities on campus, and once again, it’s Free! ACE in founders hall offers tutoring in . All you have to do is make an appointment via mywings. The writing center on campus is the place to go if you want to be sure that paper you wrote at the last minute is up to par. To get a fellow student to look over your paper at the Writing Center, simply make an appointment through its website. Finally, Path tutoring is offered in the dorms for those living on campus. PATH functions as an extension of ACE, offering tutoring in the fountains Monday through Thursday from 6-10pm. The best part of this service besides it being free, is that no appointment is needed. Simply walk in!
Strapped for Cash? Find a Job Using These Websites!
UNF Jobs and Career Wings
Besides course work, finances has to be the biggest concern for college students. Many want to get a part-time job, but don’t know where to begin to look. The UNFjobs.org website is a great place to start looking for employment opportunities. The site gives all job openings at UNF, guaranteeing a job that is on campus and works around your school schedule. Once you’ve set up an account, you can submit your resume to various openings with a click of your mouse, making applying for jobs a breeze.
Another resource that is helpful in job hunting efforts is career wings. Operated by Career Services on campus, this site function much like UNFjobs.org, except the opening listed aren’t limited to just UNF. This site is a good tool to find internships, part time positions, full time positions or volunteer opportunities. It even lists all of the upcoming career services events, and allows you to save positions you want to apply for later on. Sign up on both sites today!
Where to Go When You Run Out Of Dining Dollars
Lend-A-Wing Pantry
If you find yourself in the middle of the semester with an empty fridge, don’t panic! UNF has a full pantry for students to come and get up to five pounds of food for free! Located in building 53, the Lend-A-Wing pantry allows for any UNF student to come and get food and hygiene items with a flash of their student id card. It runs completely on donations and volunteering from UNF students.