2020 was a stressful year for everyone, including myself. In 2021, something I want to focus on is self-care. Self-care is extremely important and something we often forget as we get busy with our everyday lives. Self-care can sometimes feel like a big routine you should implement but it can really be anything as simple as you want. 2021 will be the year I prioritize what’s best for me! Here are 10 simple self-care tips you can use whenever needed!
1. Read your favorite book/watch favorite movieÂ
2. Listen to your favorite playlistÂ
3. Any form of exercise that feels goodÂ
4. Make your bed (it’s simple but effective)Â
5. Spend some time outsideÂ
6. Treat yourself to your favorite take-out or home cooked mealÂ
7. Take a napÂ
8. Unplug from social mediaÂ
9. Face mask (or any skincare!)Â
10. Do your favorite hobby/activityÂ