Headphones in, world out. Here’s our favorite playlist for everything physical. These tunes will take you to the limit whether you’re sprinting around Durham or pumping out reps at the Whitt! Enjoy!
1.) CallMeMaybe/ 99 ProblemsRemix– CarlyRaeJepsen& JayZ
2.) ShootingStar– LMFAO
3.) EveryTeardropisaWaterfall– Coldplay
4.) SheOwnstheNight– FarEastMovement
5.) BackInTime– PitBull
6.) TurnUptheMusic– ChrisBrown
7.) HeyYa!- Outkast
8.) Who‘sThatChick?- DavidGuettafeat. Rihanna
9.) Countdown– Beyonce
10.) FeelGoodInc.- Gorillaz
11.) TheQueenandI– GymClassHeros
12.) DoitintheAM– Frankmusikft. FarEastMovement
13.) FastLane– BadMeetsEvil
14.) Truth– ChiddyBang
15.) Power– KanyeWest
16.) BeautifulBliss– Wale
17.) Champion– KanyeWest
18.) TakeMeHomeTonight– EddieMoney