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6 Can’t-Miss Movies of the Holiday Season

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I know with the last few weeks of classes and finishing up finals, you may not have had time to sit down and watch a movie. But with only a few days until Christmas, and now being home, here are a few of my favorite Christmas movies to get you in the holiday spirit:

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

Ever since I was little, my Dad and I have quoted so many lines from this movie. It’s heartwarming and hilarious at the same time. It draws attention to the sometimes dysfunctional family parties all while putting you in the Christmas spirit.

The Polar Express

This Christmas classic pairs perfectly with hot chocolate and warm cookies. Something about this movie makes me feel like I’m there at the North Pole. Tom Hanks stars as multiple characters and does a fabulous job playing each of their individual roles.

Home Alone

In my opinion, not all Home Alone movies are created equal. While Home Alone 2 is a great movie as well, the original Home Alone starring Macaulay Culkin is the best by far. The battle between a witty 8-year-old and some not-so-quick-thinking burglars eventually tells a meaningful story about the importance of family during the holidays.

Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Whether you’re watching the original 1966 animated version or the live-action movie starring Jim Carrey, you’ll be sure to get into the holiday spirit. Both versions should be considered classics in my book. I almost forgot about the most recent Grinch movie remake, Dr. Suess’ The Grinch, released in 2018, also another good one.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

The original claymation 1964 classic special makes me feel like a little kid again when I catch it on TV. This movie is perfect if you don’t have a ton of time considering it was made to be a Christmas special being only 48 minutes long. The timeless film will take you back to a simpler time and teach you to enjoy the little things.


This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you haven’t seen this movie, do yourself a solid and put it on ASAP. Will Ferrell does a wonderful job at bringing on the Christmas spirit. After watching this movie you may even start to believe in Santa again…

I hope you enjoy some if not all of these movies and have a very Merry Christmas!

Hannah is a Business Administration major, with a marketing concentration. She loves staying active, baking, and Gilmore Girls.