1. Tell them everything you want them to know about you, without sounding over confident.
Remember, they need to see why you are the best girl for the sorority in such a short time. Sell yourself! Obviously, no one likes to hear people who talk about themselves every second of the day… but, if you did some awesome community service group trip, tell them! You only have thirty minutes to an hour to make them fall in love with you. Do what you need to do to get them to fall head over heels for you.
2. Dress appropriately.
I’m not kidding on this one; this is probably one of the most important rules. Do not wear crop tops or low cut shirts. Ever. They don’t want to see what clothes you go out in on the weekends. Wear clothes you would feel comfortable wearing in front of your grandmother! It’s an easy rule to follow and worth the extra effort.
3. Tell the truth.
Don’t lie. Overall it’s a terrible idea. The importance of a sorority is to find the house where you make the most connections with the sisters; girls who are just like you. If you lie, you will end up in the wrong sorority
4. Do not swear.
Again, pretend your grandmother is over hearing all of your conversations with the sisters. Don’t drop the f bomb anymore. Even though we all know you use it on the daily, try to save it for when you’re initiated.
5. Do what you want. NOT what your friends want.
It’s SO hard not to follow your friends to the sorority they love. Honestly, do what you want. It’s not easy, but the sorority you pick should be because the girls in the sisterhood are the most similar to you… not the most similar to your BFF from home. You may even end up in the same one! If you don’t, you will still see them all the time, so don’t worry about that!
6. Do not talk about alcohol or boys.
Getting into a sorority isn’t about how much you drink or what boys you know. It’s about who you are as an individual and if you would blend with the sisters. There’s no reason to talk about these topics, so avoid it at all costs.
7. Be yourself!
Do not be someone you’re not! Be YOU! You are perfect just the way you are and the sorority that fits you the best will realize how amazing and incredible you are! Just have fun with it!