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Angel Numbers 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

If you are on Tik Tok or Instagram you may be familiar with the phrase “angel numbers.” Angel numbers are three or four repetitions of the same number in a sequence, for example, 1111. You may see these presented as the time of day, as a room number, or in a variety of other places. 

What do they mean? Well, that is up to you. Some see these as odd coincidences, but others find them as a message from the universe. I personally love the idea of believing there are outside forces that impact our lives and leave little hints behind to show they are there. Below are some of the common meanings of specific angel numbers. 

111 or 1111 is the most common angel number and my personal favorite. I am sure everyone has heard “it’s 11:11, make a wish” at least once in their life. If you see 1111, use it as an opportunity to wish for something, anything because it might come true!

222 or 2222 signifies balance and trust. If you are seeing this set of numbers someone is guiding you along a necessary path, whether on this earth or not. Trust their lead and your own gut to move forward during any life decisions, changes, or conflicts. 

333 or 3333 sparks creativity. Go try something new if you are seeing this sequence! Paint a picture, write a poem, or embark upon the activity calling your name. 

444 or 4444 is for stability. If the number 4 pops up everywhere, you are in the process of rooting and grounding something that is meant to last. This may be at the start of a new job or relationship that is destined for much more than being a small chapter of your life.

555 or 5555 means a major change is on its way. This is not a bad change, but rather signifies you are taking the right path so a good change will follow. 

666 or 6666 is nothing to fear. This is a message to treat yourself with kindness. If you are seeing multiple sixes it is a reminder to love yourself!

777 or 7777 is lucky! This means good is on the way, which may involve money. Take this as a hint to branch out a bit because you never know what will come of it.

888 or 8888, the symbol of infinity, could mean someone from the spiritual world is connecting with you. It is a reminder from your loved ones no longer here that they will support you forever. 

999 or 9999 may mean a part of your life is coming to an end. Perhaps you are destined to start a new journey soon, which is not always a bad thing!

Whether you choose to believe that these numbers are more than just numbers is up to you, but nevertheless, it is reassuring to think something outside our own control is leading us along the right path to our destiny! If you are looking for more information follow my absolute favorite account which is all things angel numbers, horoscopes, and manifesting @thepulpgirls on Instagram.

Kate is a junior occupational therapy student at UNH. She loves books, oat milk lattes, and movie nights!