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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Elections are often time consuming, grueling and controversial and subsequently have the power to create a shift in the way a person, community, or country acts toward one another. In light of recent events (yes I am referring to the 2016 United States Presidential Election but let me make it clear that this is not a political post) I wanted to remind everyone of the importance of being “happy, kind, and pleasant” in a world full of so much hatred and despair. 

Think back to your elementary student government election when Susie Something-Or-Other won class representative for your class just because she brought her mom’s homemade brownies on the day of voting. Or maybe you’re reminded of that time in high school when you really wanted to be President of the National Honor Society but the vexatious kid in your math class won because he was a teacher’s pet. Perhaps you think back to that time your husband ran for school committee and was actually elected to serve, even though you both very well knew there were other candidates more qualified for the position.

Whether the assortment of elections you have experienced in your lifetime are what you consider ‘fair’ or not essentially doesn’t matter. So maybe you (or your party) wins, or maybe you (or your party) loses. Guess what? That does not, and should not, have an impact on the type of person you are or the type of values you believe in. So if you are the person who wants to express his or her political beliefs on every social media platform to anyone listening, you should do that. And if you are the type of person who wants to keep every political opinion you have ever held to yourself, you should do that. What you should not do is change in any way the type of person you were before any type of election took place. Remain true to your morals and your opinions, but always remember to also be HAPPY, KIND, and PLEASANT.

Be Happy.

            In a word currently being flooded with negativity, find the positive in each and every day. Do you have a bed to sleep in, clothes to keep you warm in the cold winter months, a family who loves you and would do anything to keep you happy? What about an education to rely on, a job you are excited to wake up for each day, friends who make you laugh until your belly hurts every time you’re around each other? Are you able to shower and bathe at your leisure, text with friends on your mobile phone, or put on your favorite shoes to make you feel better after a long day on your feet? There are so many things we take for granted on a day-to-day basis that some people, both in other countries and in our own, aren’t ever able to experience. As Barack Obama said in his Election Day speech, “The sun will, in fact, come out tomorrow.” I know I promised this wouldn’t be a political speech, but I think any Democrat or Republican can find comfort in knowing the sun rises regardless of the day.


When you wake up tomorrow morning, and then every morning after that, find something to be happy about. I know when the alarm clock sounds at 7 a.m. and all we can think about are the hundreds of things we have to do it’s hard to remain positive, but try. If running makes you happy, make time in your daily schedule for a run. If the beach makes you happy, drive the long way home from work to catch the ocean breeze. If music makes you happy, put together a new playlist with all your favorite songs. I’m not saying you won’t have bad days where the happiness is harder to find, because we are all human and we have bad days. What I am suggesting is to spend a few extra minutes each day doing the things that make you happy. It will make you a better person, I promise.

Be Kind.


This past week on Facebook I saw a friend of mine share a picture with a quote that really resonated with me on a lot of different levels. It read, “We need to care less about whether our children are academically gifted & more about whether they sit with the lonely kid in the cafeteria.” If you were a parent, who would you be more proud of? Boy #1. An intelligent little boy who sat with a group of bullies at lunch making fun of the ‘dorky’ kid with glasses sitting alone or, Boy #2. The academically average little boy with a heart so big he invites all the kids sitting by themselves to join him at his table? I know I would be more proud of Boy #2, the sweet boy who never wants to leave anyone out, and this is exactly how my parents raised me to be.


If more people in this world realized just how special Boy #2 is and learned from his actions, the world would be a much kinder place. Tomorrow, November 13th, is #WorldKindnessDay and I encourage each of you to perform some act of kindness, regardless how big or small. Not sure how you could fit one into your crazily busy schedule? Something as simple as paying it forward goes a long way. Since you’ll probably be getting coffee at some point of that crazily busy day, choose to pay for the order of the person in line behind you. This $3 gesture is sure to brighten the person’s day and maybe they too will be inspired to pay for the order behind them. You see, these random acts of kindness create a domino effect. There are a plethora of little things you can do to be kind to people on a daily basis. Hold the door open, smile at strangers as you pass, compliment someone, donate to someone in need, tell someone you love how much they mean to you. You never know someone’s situation and simply being kind could help more than you think.

Be Pleasant.

Shifting back toward the election, respect the opinions of those that differ from your own. Instead of cutting ties with people you once were associated with, find common ground and move forward from there. Remember to smile, always use your manners and convey positivity wherever you go. This world, and some of its inhabitants, is not always going to be kind. At times, you will be thrown curve balls and you might not know which way to swing. Regardless of the situation, be sure to handle it with a smile and a pleasant attitude, and you’re already on the right track.

Any negative situation can be turned into a positive one; however, you are the only one capable of making this switch. Shout out to my mom and dad for raising my sisters and I on these values and for never letting us leave the house without reminding us to always “be happy, be kind, and be pleasant”. The world could learn a thing or two from you guys. 

University of New Hampshire, Class of 2018 Campus Correspondent Please contact me if you would like to join our team!
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!