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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

The gym can be a great place, but getting over the nerves of going for the first time can be tough. The gym can be intimidating with hundreds of machines and feeling out of place. Here are some things to keep in mind and ways to conquer that gymtimidation:  

Everyone is focused on themselves. 

The gym is a place for self-improvement and having fun. While it can be intimidating seeing people using heavy weights or in their matching gym fits, those people are there to work out, not to judge anybody. Try to keep in mind that every advanced exerciser had their first time picking up weights or trying a yoga class too, so focus on what you are doing and what pushes you. 

There is no one way to work out. 

Exercise is exercise, so whatever workout makes you feel the best or the most comfortable, do it! That could be running, lifting, yoga, bodyweight exercises, intramural sports, etc. 

Go with a friend. 

Grab a friend and try a new workout class or figure out how the machines work together. This brings an element of comfort to your workout and not to mention it’s a lot more fun. 

Join a group. 

Many colleges have organizations or group fitness classes ranging from beginner to advanced. A yoga or Zumba class is a great way to move your body where everybody is in it together. Joining an intramural sports team with a group of friends is another fun way to get active. Many universities across the nation, including UNH, have the organization CHAARG or something similar. CHAARG is an organization that helps college girls find fun in exercise and build a community. Through CHAARG, members experiment with different weekly workouts from cycling to HIIT or yoga. Exercising in a group whether it be an organization or a running club with friends makes it a lot of fun.

Google is your friend. 

When lifting or using machines, we have all been in that spot where we have no idea what the machines are called or what they do. While at the gym or before going, Google some leg exercises and pictures and videos of how to use the machine will come up. Use those photos until you become familiar with the machines. 

Plan ahead and set goals. 

A goal can be anything from walking a few times a week, to hitting a certain weight goal in lifting. Goals can help keep you motivated in your fitness. Planning out goals with a friend or scheduling time to go to the gym can help with accountability. 

Your exercise is up to you and can be whatever you have the most fun with, so focus on yourself, bring a friend, plan ahead and move your body!

Ada Hayes is a freshman student at the University of New Hampshire. When not studying or dreaming up new article ideas, you can find her working out, watching Gilmore Girls, or relaxing on the beach.