Spring is a time of flowers, dewy mornings, and bright colors everywhere. This is one of my favorite times of the year because the weather is nice and not too dreadful. There are so many wonderful ways to get out and enjoy the springtime weather with friends, family or a significant other. A date does not have to be with a significant other. Personally, I love going on sister “dates” when I am at home with my little sister, and I love going on girl dates with my friends while I am here.
- Enjoy an outdoor picnic
- Go on a hike or a walk
- Visit a local farmer’s market
- Go stargazing
- Fly kites
- Draw outside with chalk
- Visit a new place
- Go hammocking
- Attend a baseball game
- Start a garden together
- Go mini golfing
- Go puddle jumping (if it has been raining out)
These are some great options if you are looking for a way to spend time with the people you care about and make some amazing memories while the sun is shining. However, we all know that April showers brings May flowers, so there are bound to those rainy days. Here are some indoor ways to spend time!
- Build a blanket fort, make some s’mores and watch a movie (one of my favorites!)
- Visit a local museum
- Have a paint, game or movie night
- Cook a meal together
- Do some spring cleaning
- Have an indoor picnic
Spend some time with the people you love this spring!