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Halloween Costumes We Wish We Thought Of

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Why is it that the best costume ideas always arise in the days and weeks immediately following Halloween? We all know the struggle. So as we all revel in our post-Halloween hangovers, enjoy this list of the costumes we wish we had thought of before Halloween this year… and we will probably forget before next year…

1. A solar system

Requirements: 10 people (including the sun) and plenty of room to orbit. And maybe you can look as cute as this little boy.

2. A UNH dad

Requirements: A “UNH Dad” sweatshirt, a pair of dad-like slacks, a “UNH Alumni” or “UNH Dad” hat, an L.L. Bean vest, and zero shame. (We can thank my roommate Jaimee for this one)

3. Sandy and Danny from Grease

Requirements: Lots of leather, huge curly hair, a guy with longish dark hair, and killer dance moves and/or singing voices. 

4. Regina George 

Requirements: A pink strapless dress, a neck brace apparatus, a string of small flowers and limited access to upper-body movement. To the girl dressed like this outside of Libby’s Thursday night, you’re awesome.

5. Lions and tigers and bears (oh my!)

Requirements: A group of three. A lion costume, a tiger costume, and a bear costume. Walk around together. Genius. 

6. A ghost

Requirements: A sheet with holes in it. Totally underrated!

7. Barrel of monkeys

Requirements: A group of people dressed like monkeys and one person dressed like a barrel…wearing a barrel. Or combined into both if you’re creative.

8. Tourists

Requirements: I <3 NY shirt and hat or hawaiian shirt and sunhat, fanny pack, cameras around your neck, high socks, and a map! OK, I did this last year and it was a hit. You’re welcome.

9. The Olympic gymnastics team

Requirements: Matching leotards, matching USA (or desired nation of representation) jackets, no pants and scrunchies galore. 

10. A sexy ATM fee

Requirements: Not quite sure… this one’s up to you. (Any Girl Code fans up in here?)

And while we’re at it, here’s a list of some costumes that we’re tired of and/or can’t wait until they’re irrelevant…

1. Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke


2. Sexy animals- kitten, mouse, etc.

3. School girls


4. Nerds

Unless it’s this kind of Nerds:


In conclusion, your best bet would be to start a list and keep adding to it before next year. Happy planning, Halloweeners!

Senior journalism major with a psychology minor at the University of New Hampshire. Aspiring sports broadcaster, editorial writer, design editor, content editor, sports writer, New Hampshire Public Television production intern, multimedia journalist, social media connoisseur. Follow me on Twitter: @RossHeatherton.
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!