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I’ve Got Bieber Fever: The Best of Bieber

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.
Beauty and a Beat

How can you not play this song on repeat. This jam with Nicki Minaj is hard not to jump around and dance everywhere. The music video is also super fun. 




Love Yourself

If anyone was going to breakup with me, I would sing this song to them.




His Calvin Klein Ads

Don’t you just want to lick his abs? You’re welcome everyone.



What Do You Mean

What do you mean its not socially acceptable to sing this to “fuckbois”? There is a reason why this is his most successful song to date.



His Ellen Interviews

After each and every interview, don’t you just want to squeeze him and take him home with you?



Its one of the OG Bieber Hits, to this day its hard to still love this classic.




This song is not only one of the biggest jams currently, but his performances for this song make it even better. If you have not seen the music video, go check it out because the dancing is SICK. Want to know something even more amazing? His VMA performance in. the. Rain.





Justin Bieber really makes it hard to want him as your boyfriend with this song (even if you already have a boyfriend).  





One Less Lonely Girl

Even back when he was not fully complete with puberty, he still could melt all the hearts of every girl in the world. 


This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!