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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Meet this weeks Campus Cutie, Jon Brown! He’s a Junior on the UNH Men’s Club Lacrosse team and he is single! He is from Scitutate, Massachusetts and he is a busniess major here at UNH.

He even gave us his instagram name, so go follow him now ladies! Instagram: @Biz11.  Keep reading below to see what this guy is all about and where you’ll be able to find him on campus.


Movie: The Town and Shawshank Redemption

TV Show: Game of Thrones

Color: Blue 

Food: Sushi

Item of Clothing: “My sock game is pretty killer” (Best answer I’ve ever gotten with cutie responses #winning) 

UNH Life

Favorite Bar: Libby’s 

Favorite Off Campus Area: Downtown Portsmouth

Worst Class at UNH? Accounting

Favorite UNH Buildng? Paul College


In a Girl?

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Eye Color: Blue 

Best Quality about them? Their Eyes

Favorite item of clothing on them? A necklace and yoga pants. 

This or That?

House Party or Bar? House Party

Philly or Hoco? Philly

UNH Football or Hockey? Neither, Field Hockey


If you could pick next week’s Campus Cutie who would it be and why?

Parker Woolley, he’s the funniest kid on campus. 

UNH Her Campus Editor in Cheif Member since 2012Junior Chi Omega SisterHelath Management and Policy Major with a Minor in Sociology Originally from Orono, ME. Lover of Fashion, Fall, and Food  
UNH '15