Keys to Finding the Perfect Internship
Do your research.
Begin your internship search early and don’t wait until the last minute to apply. This is not a process you should rush. Go on sites like,, Wildcat Link or the career center and look for internships that interest you. You can do keyword searches to find something that suits your line of study.
Have a strong resume
The career center in Hood House on campus is very useful in helping you create a strong resume and cover letter. When applying for jobs you should have both of these when you submit your resume online or in person to a company.
Use the Career Center on campus.
The Career Center has employees whose job is to help students find the internship they want. The Career Center also has Career Fairs and Resume Review Days that are designed to help students better their professional career. These are resources that you should begin to explore today and build a strong relationship with these advisors.
Use your connections. Networking is key to finding any job that you are really attracted towards. you can use your friends, family, or even teachers in school as part of your network when you are searching for a job. If you know someone that works at a company you’re interested in, reach out to them over a cup of coffee to discuss their likes and dislikes of working for that company.
Keep your own interests in mind.
During the job search many people get too caught up in just finding a job rather than finding a profession that is something he or she really wants to do. When looking for an internship, you want to be sure that you find an internship that falls into line with your interests, or a subject that you enjoy learning about, and not just taking the first opportunity you have.
Be professional yet personable
Throughout the entire interview process it is crucial to maintain a level of professionalism as well as being personable. When speaking with the hiring manager you want to be sure that you explain your key interests in working for the company as well as how your background can be a match for what the company is looking for in an intern.
Consistency is key when you are interviewing for an internship. After the interview, whether it be a phone interview, a Skype call, or even face to face; you need to follow up with the person that interviewed you and show repeated interest in the position. When companies are interviewing there can be numerous people they have to sort through and by continuously reaching out, this keeps your name and skills fresh in their mind for consideration.