As the year comes to a close there are a mix of emotions: nervousness for finals, happiness for summer, sadness for moving out of the place you called home for the last 9 months, and excitement for the seniors who are about to graduate and start their new journeys in the real world. As a junior, I am now starting to lose some of the closest friends that I have made as they are graduating and so I wanted to write them this letter:
To my senior friends,
Thanks for abandoning me….
Though I have only known you for a short part of your lives, I feel as though I have known you all of mine. Though we may not talk every day or always see each other on campus, there will be so much that I miss about all of you. From our inside jokes, to just hanging out in the library doing homework, to being excited when I see you at the barson campus, the little things go a long way when it comes to making memories. While I am so happy that all of you are finally graduating and moving on to do bigger and better things in the real world, I can’t help but find myself wishing I had an extra year with you all. Walking around campus will never be the same and when I walk by your apartments I will think of the crazy times we have had. This letter isn’t a goodbye, it’s a see you later because if you think I won’t still drunk text you on Saturday nights now that you are an adult, you are wrong. You are stuck with me forever and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you are going to accomplish. I can’t wait for you to come back and visit for homecoming and other events here on campus, tell me about your adult lives, and tell me to “enjoy college while it lasts.” You all have made an impact on me and made me the person I am today writing this and I want to thank you.
Love You Long Time,