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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Reading, Huh?

I have grown to love reading and it has become a passion of mine recently and I want to share my journey! I used to refuse to read in high school. When famous books like The Hunger Games and The Girl on the Train came out and every girl in school was reading them, I was never interested in going out and trying the whole reading thing. My entire life when I was younger, I spent all of my time outside no matter what time of year it was. I grew up with a family who went camping every weekend and were always outside, and they were never big readers. I randomly tried it out this winter and I was instantly hooked!

Colleen Hoover

I must give credit to Colleen Hoover for introducing me to my love for books with her book Verity. Her book had a fascinating plot with a solid romance scene with some spice to it and it had me sucked in! I read it within only a few days and then bought another book of hers, Ugly Love. Oh my, Ugly Love was a 12/10! I loved this book and it was so amazing. The love and romantic plot that it has is so good and it had me crying a couple of times. I then started branching out to other others but I did read Hoover’s It Ends With Us and It Starts With Us, and those were also really good romantic books that can be really emotional. All of these books were great starters for me to branch out and experiment more into reading different authors!

I started to branch out after my first two books and read different books and grew to enjoy reading so much. I continued with romantic love story books. I was reading fast; I was reading a book in two to three days or even in one sitting!

Kindle Era

I studied abroad for the Spring 2023 semester in Florence, Italy, and brought only one book. I saved it for a month into my semester and read it in two days! One of my roommates had a Kindle and she told me all about it. I mentioned it to my parents and they ended up getting me one as an early birthday gift to have for the rest of my travels. Kindle era: unlocked. I read about a dozen books over the next month and a half this past spring! My Kindle has unlocked the reader in me and has allowed me to get into it. Being abroad there were not many books in English and if there were books it was usually at the airports and very expensive. Once my parents got me the Kindle, it was easy for me to read books.

official bookworm

I have now become a bookworm and I am proud of it. I am excited to dive deeper into more books and learn more about my reading style! I cannot wait to get more books and hopefully find new ones I would never have read and loved. I hope as I get older and busier after college I will want to keep reading as part of my routine and habits. Recommendations will be coming soon!

Victoria is a senior marketing and management major at the University of New Hampshire. She can most likely be reading her Kindle, watching 'New Girl' or 'Too Hot To Handle', or traveling!