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No Regrets! 30 Reasons Why You Should Be Abroad with Contiki NOW!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

UNH! Why would you not go abroad? Contiki is a travel resource for 18-35 year olds, and they take care of everything! Contiki makes it easy so you can travel around, supplying you with 200 trips around 6 continents. If you can come up with a reason not to go abroad at the end of this list, you’re crazy!

  1. Contiki makes it EASY!
  2. UNH makes it easy, you need only apply the semester before!
  3. UNH offers a ton of great affordable programs (many you pay the same amount of tuition you would pay regularly!)
  4. Because European boys are hot
  5. Looks great on a resume
  6. For the food! (DUH)
  7. You can take all those cheesy tourist pictures (you’ve always wanted to)
  8. Because you’ll only be away from your family 4 months
  9. For the fashion!
  10. You get to live in a different culture
  11. Because Taken is just a movie
  12. You will never be able to travel as freely again
  13. And because you are still young and wild!
  14. Because Australian boys are hot
  15. Sets you apart from other college students (only 4% of undergrads actually go!)
  16. 18 is the legal drinking age
  17. Because you haven’t seen soccer until you’ve seen football
  18. Traveling around is cheap
  19. Because Russian boys (under all their layers of clothing) are hot
  20. Independence!
  21. Because hostels aren’t as bad as they seem
  22. Living there is so much better than just visiting
  23. You’ll make friends from another country
  24. You become a travel expert
  25. You could learn a new language
  26. Its fun to pretend you have a British accent… and get Brits to believe it
  27. Because you could fall in love (oh hello Prince Harry!)
  28. After a while, you’ll be making fun of the tourists too
  29. Because if you still think a Snake Bite is actually a bite from a snake you’re wrong
  30. Because you can visit England instead of New England, London instead of New London and Hampshire instead of New Hampshire