Dear high school senior,
First of all, congrats on taking a step to further your education with applying to the University of New Hampshire. There are some things you need to know about UNH before you make the big decision. Choosing a university or college to call your home for the next four years is extremely difficult. I had a tough time choosing between my top two schools. So from someone who made the decision to go to UNH, let me tell you the things you’ll need to know about becoming a Wildcat.
    1.We have a lot of school spirit
From football games to hockey games and everything in between, you will always find students cheering on their fellow peers. The Cat Pack, which is the student body cheering squad, gets the crowd rowdy with cheers and the notorious cowbell. Students will paint their faces and bodies and dress up in UNH attire from head to toe. Get ready to like every sport even though you might not have been interested before.
Whether it is walking around campus, college woods or driving through the White Mountains, no matter the season this campus will always take your breath away. And fall is no exception.  All around campus there are many different events people can attend. You’ll always find some one that is down to go apple picking with an orchard farm right down the road.
    3. We love the snow
Just like anywhere in New England the snow that we get here is insane. UNH students welcome the snow because the more snow we get the more snow days we have. So you better bring your warmest jacket and your good winter boots for the awesome days off. Don’t forget your skis or snowboard either because you’ll definitely want to check out library hill or hit the local mountains with friends or with the ski and board club!
    4. The award winning dining hall food
We have three amazing dining halls on campus. All of which are equipped with friendly staff and great food. There are many different options everyday with suitable options for allergies, gluten free and vegetarians. Each dish has the calories and ingredients labeled on the side. Many UNH students take the dining hall food for granted here but ask any transfer student and they’ll tell you just how amazing it really is.
    5. Dhop becomes your safe haven on the weekends
The Durham House of Pizza probably has the best late night food you can get. This hub of energy is open until 2 a.m. on the weekends. Everyone seems to stumble on by to grab a slice so the long line may seem intimidating but it goes by fast and trust me, it is worth the wait.
    6. You’re bound to get a parking ticket at least once
The parking here can be extremely difficult. So beware of where you leave your car and make sure when your friends come up to visit to have them park in the visitor parking or the lots that are free on the weekends.
    7. You’ll love doing homework on T-hall lawn
Thompson hall is the most iconic building on campus. Any nice day you can find students on the lawn studying or hanging out. You’ll find yourself calling your friends to meet you at t-hall on these nice days. It is one of the best places to enjoy the sunshine and the company of others.
    8. If you’re not a coffee drinker, you’ll soon become one.
There are about six different places to get coffee. There is Aroma Joe’s, Starbucks, Higher Grounds, Dunkin Donuts, Breaking New Grounds and the Hut also known as the shack. All these great coffee places will have you craving more caffeine.
    9. You’ll be glad for the more than 200 clubs and organizations
Getting involved on campus is easy to do with clubs for just about everything. Attending U-Day will allow you to find just about any club you could possible want to join. All clubs set up booths where you can learn all about them. You won’t regret getting involved because you’ll meet amazing new people and make friendships and connections that’ll last a lifetime.
    10. No matter where you end up living, you’ll love it
With the 28 Residence Halls on campus no matter where you choose to live you’ll always find an amazing community within. The RA staff throughout all the halls are amazing and will be there for you whenever they are needed. Your hall will soon become your family, and place you’ll feel comfortable to call home.
Any UNH student or alumni will tell you just how fantastic this school is. UNH is truly a place where you can find yourself. It will allow you to grow into the person you have always wanted to be. The experiences and memories you have here will stay with you throughout your life. UNH will become home over the four years you attend here and you’ll think back to the day where you made the decision to come to this amazing school with appreciation.