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Anna Schultz-Girl On Computer Stress
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

7 Ways to Relax During a Busy Week

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

We’ve all been there: feeling stressed out and overwhelmed because of exams or class assignments. It often is not easy to remove yourself from the emotional roller coaster that is school-related stress. Sometimes you just have to step away from studying and spend some time investing in yourself. Here are seven ways to decompress during the school week.

Find time for self-care

Whether you have 10 minutes or a couple of hours, spending a bit of time taking care of yourself is essential to relaxing during a stressful week. If your time is limited, you could do a quick face mask or spend a few extra minutes in the shower. If you are able to focus on yourself for a longer period of time, you could paint your nails or even take a nap. Find the time to do something for yourself.

Get your body moving

Exercise is one of the best things you can do to clear your mind. It can boost your mood and improve overall mental health. One of the best ways to give your mind a reset is to find some time to get moving! If you like weightlifting, schedule some time to head to the gym. UNH also offers many exercise classes at the Hamel Recreation Center. If weightlifting and exercise classes are not your style, find some time to walk around campus or stretch in your dorm room. Do your mind a favor and find a fun way to get moving.

Put down the textbooks and pick up a novel

As important as studying is, sometimes you just have to give yourself a break to reset your brain. A great way to decompress from a long day of studying is to pick up a good book. Do you like self-help books? Read Atomic Habits by James Clear. Do you prefer something more light-hearted? Check out a novel by Colleen Hoover. Whether you read for 10 minutes or read four chapters, you will be doing yourself a favor by allowing your brain to relax for a short period of time.

Connect with family

During a long and stressful week, it can be easy to drain your social battery while trying to spend time with friends. Instead, you could use that time to connect with your family through a phone call. Sometimes, all you need is a quick conversation with your parents or siblings to relax and reset your mood.

Grab a coffee

A little incentive never hurts anyone! If you need a break from your long study session or need to relax after a stressful exam, head to a local coffee shop to grab your favorite coffee or snack. Not only will you get a break from work while you grab the coffee, but you also have a little extra motivation to keep getting things done after the fact.

Watch a movie or your favorite TV show

There are times you are absolutely bound to fry your brain during a study session. If that’s the case, the best thing you can do is shut your brain off to recharge. If you can’t take a nap, the next best thing is turning on a movie or comfort TV show. Curling up in a blanket and enjoying a good movie or show can work wonders.

Revisit an old hobby

If you are someone who can’t find relaxation in doing nothing while watching a show, the next best thing is circling back to a hobby. Go out and take pictures if you find joy in photography or make cookies if you enjoy baking. Whatever it is that you wish you had time for, make time for it, especially during a stressful week. In order to relax you have to find time to enjoy the small things.

Maddie is a freshman Economics major at UNH this year. When she isn't in school, she loves going to the gym, hanging out with friends, and going on mini adventures!