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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

How often do you really get the opportunity to go to a different country for 15 weeks? Studying abroad is such an amazing thing. I feel like I hear so many parents and people who are out of college talk about how much they wish they had studied abroad. 

After college is when your life really begins. You either go to more school, or you start your life in the real world. You go out and get a big-girl job and start working towards your career. Graduating college and moving on is an exciting and stressful situation all in itself. But then having the “what if” feeling about studying abroad might even make you long to be in college for longer. 

I am thinking about studying abroad in Italy this upcoming spring semester. I am having an overload of emotions about this. I do not want to leave my friends, my sorority, my home here that I have made at college for a whole semester. I will feel so behind on everything that has happened here in Durham while I was away. The out of touch feeling is what I am worried about. 

On the other hand, I am thinking about all the new friends I will make over in Italy. I am excited for all of the new places I will see and new experiences that I will make. I will make a new home for myself in Italy. 

My family have never really been travelers. We go down to Florida, and up to Maine in the summers, but never out of the country. I think I would feel better about going abroad if my family and I had been big travelers, and headed outside of the country before. But, nonetheless, I am not going to let this stop me. In my situation, the positives of studying abroad definitely outweigh the negatives. One thing I am looking forward to is the new cultures I will be able to experience during this time, along with all the good food. If you are on the fence about studying abroad or even traveling regardless, let this be your sign to get out of your comfort zone. I am glad to take this opportunity, to go all in on my college experience, and not have any regrets.

Paige Romsey is a sophomore at UNH and is studying Communication Sciences and Disorders.