If you’re anything like me, waking up in the morning is almost like your worst nightmare and attempting to stay awake throughout the rest of the day IS your worst nightmare. Every morning when I get out of bed all I can think of is how tired I am and how much I would love to get back in bed. With these tips and tricks, you will have no problem getting through the long day of classes or work so you can enjoy the hours between waking up and going back to sleep a little more.
1. Don’t drink that cup of coffee… Not yet at least.
Drinking coffee when you first wake up isn’t very affective because one of your stress hormones, cortisol (which is relative to alertness), is already at a high level when you are first waking up. The best time to have a cup of coffee is between 9:30-11:30 am, when your body’s natural alertness is dwindling.
2. Exercise
I admit that sometimes even I tell myself I am just too tired to work out, but the facts are that exercise can actually make you more awake and give you an energy boost that lasts. It also has other benefits, like preparing you for the bikini you’ll be wearing in a few short months.
I am totally taking back all of the times I refused to take naps as a child. Now I would give anything for a nice nap whenever I can get one. The truth is, naps are more effective than coffee when it comes to getting rid of your midday grogginess. Don’t think you have time for a nap? That’s okay! Naps are best when 5-30 minutes long and have tons of benefits! They can increase alertness, boost creativity and even help you recover from stressful situations (aka that exam you studied weeks for and still bombed it).
4. Upbeat Music
Try and avoid slow-paced or sad music when trying to stay awake throughout the day. Upbeat music is more likely to keep you alert. Try some hip-hop, rock or even dub step if that’s what you’re into.
5. H2O
With unlimited sodas and juices in the dining hall, we can all be tempted to go for our favorite beverage that tastes great. However, dehydration can lead to sluggishness so if you need to stay awake, water is your best option. The good news is UNH Dining puts delicious fruits in the iced water that not only makes your H2O more tasteful, but adds nutrients as well!
6. Class Participation
I know, it sounds like a drag, but talking to your professor and classmates is more likely to keep you alert and focused than sitting in the back of the class silently. If you’re not one to speak up in class, try taking lots of notes to keep yourself awake and busy. Besides, by staying occupied, you’re more likely to get something out of the class.
7. Go to Bed Earlier
If you ask me, this is the hardest one. After a long day of class or work, we all like to enjoy a little personal time. Whether you do this through a Netflix binge or stalking all of your exes on every social media site, we all need that time and it tends to be right before we head to bed. Then, next thing you know, it is 1 o’clock in the morning and you’ve just finished an entire season of your favorite show and know the names of every girl he’s been hanging out with. When you’re deciding to go to bed, try to keep your laptop/smart phone away from you so you’re not tempted to scroll through Twitter for the 20th time within five minutes.
Hope these help! Happy napping.