The plague has reached UNH, everyone is frantically trying to get rid of this awful cold, stuffy nose, cough, and sore throat combination. Just when you think you’re getting better the awful cold strikes once again only this time worse than it was before. If you want to avoid getting this awful cold these are the steps you should be taking.
1. Get Plenty of Sleep
I know in college it is hard to get plenty of sleep, especially when you have that ten page paper or that big exam and need to pull an all-nighter. This all–nighter will destroy your immune system and will make you feel more miserable than you did before. The body needs sleep to fight off infections.
2. Wash your hands
It is really important to wash your hands. You don’t know who touched that desk or worked out on that machine. You should wash your hands after every class and when you exercise. You can even take an extra precaution and hand sanitize your hands. This is an important step especially with this bad cold going around so try not to touch your eyes and mouth as this is the way germs are spread.
3. Don’t share drinks
I know it is a common thing among college students to share what they are drinking, especially on the weekends. Sharing drinks is the most common way people spread germs and their sickness. Try to make your own drinks and not ask someone if they want a sip especially with this cold going around. Everyone is passing it to each other through this way.
4. Take vitamins and eat healthy
Taking vitamins and eating healthy are key ways to stay health and boost your immune system. Fruits and veggies rather than chips, soda and pizza will keep your immune system strong. Even if you don’t like vitamins, taking them everyday will help you in so many ways. Keeping hydrated will also help you keep this common cold away.
5. Exercise
Exercise helps with maintain a healthy lifestyle. A little cardio will help even if it’s just walking to class. Make sure not to overdo it as this can lower your immune system making you more susceptible to catching those germs that will turn into you being sick.