You’ve worked hard all week. You’ve been trying so hard to save money for that prize at the end of the tunnel. That “prize” might be a new car, finally moving out of your parents’ house, or maybe you’re just constantly trying to make ends meet. For months you’ve been trying to avoid online shopping, and then, Instagram updated.
After Instagram’s latest update in early November, the app welcomed a new shopping feature known as the Instagram Shop. Where you would normally find your post notifications, you now have access to thousands of online boutiques and small businesses right at your fingertips. Not only are these shops way too convenient, but they’re also way too cute.
Truthfully, the worst part of this new update is the endless number of times I have accidentally clicked open the shopping feature in just the last 12 days.
After posting a selfie of my freshly done salon-styled hair, every time I would go to check my notifications, I (oops) clicked the shopping feature. Honestly, putting the shop tab in this spot was way too smart of Instagram, as I constantly find myself making purchase after purchase each time I open the app.
Seriously Instagram, if I needed to buy something, I would just go buy it. These constant ads for pink furry sweaters and old vintage crewnecks have me receiving endless packages of things I know I don’t necessarily need.
As we all try to avoid splurging on new trendy pieces for our closet, instead use that energy towards bettering yourself. Learn a new skill, go for a walk (try avoiding the route to your local boutique), or pick up a new hobby. And for those of you who fill a shopping cart as their go-to hobby, good luck…to both you, your card, and your new Instagram update.