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Why We’re All Addicted to Our Phones and Don’t Even Notice It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

If you think about it, having your phone in your hand feels as natural as drinking water. It’s something we do without thinking, like a reflex. But unlike water, which we need to survive, our phones don’t provide any essential nutrients. So why does it feel like we can’t live without them?

The Slot Machine Effect

The way phones stimulate our brains is shockingly similar to how slot machines work. When we pull down to refresh Instagram or wait for a notification, we’re engaging in the same kind of reward-based system. Just like a slot machine, you never know what you’ll get: a message, or like a funny video. But that uncertainty is what keeps us hooked. It’s addictive in a way we don’t even recognize because it’s become so embedded in our daily lives.

It Doesn’t Seem Like an Addiction Anymore

The thing about addiction is that once it becomes normalized, it stops looking like a problem. We don’t realize it, but constantly checking our phones is the new normal. Everyone’s doing it, so it doesn’t stand out. It feels like something we should be doing, even though we definitely don’t need to. It’s become so automatic, and we don’t see it as anything more than a daily habit. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s healthy.

Using Phones as a Social Crutch

Then there’s the social aspect. So many of us grab our phones when we feel awkward or uncomfortable. It’s easier to stare at a screen than make small talk, right? Our phones give us an easy out in those moments when we’re unsure of what to do. They act like a barrier between us and the world, making it seem like we’re busy or important when really, we’re just avoiding the situation in front of us.

Jade is a sophomore at the University of New Hampshire.