Weird roommates, new classes, trying to fit your excessive wardrobe into the tiny dorm “closet”, testing the waters at Mojos in your highest heels and tightest skinny jeans; spark any memories? Whether it was last semester or four years ago, everyone remembers their first week on campus. You probably didn’t look much past your immediate goals of passing whatever that required health course was that you only showed up for on test days, finding a decently attractive guy to study with in Math & Decision Making, and avoiding the infamous freshman 15 brought on by Rialto pizza and Keystone. If seeking out career services and getting a jump-start on professional development didn’t make your first semester “To-Do” list, don’t worry—you’re not the only one!
When it comes to preparing for your career, you can never start too early. Applying for jobs may seem far off, even as a junior or first semester senior, but your beloved college years will fly by faster than you know. Don’t be left jobless back at your parents’ house in a dead-end town wishing you could trade in some of those summers out at Sterling pool for an internship or two. Before we cover resumes, interview etiquette, and workplace fashion faux pas, you need to make sure you are taking control of your college years and making time for career development. If you don’t know what you want to major in, join on-campus activities that will enhance your leadership skills such as SAA, CAB and NISG (visit for a list of student organizations). When you do decide your field of study, join industry-related groups for networking and experience. Once you have a few entries on your resume to set you apart, start applying for internships or local or on-campus jobs in similar fields (if you haven’t discovered the UNI job board yet, check it out). These jobs and internships are going to be where you gain your most priceless hands-on experience and learn skills that will get your resume noticed for the rest of your career.
If you’re about to stop reading because you’re getting light-headed at the thought of having to take the safe-ride shuttle home early Friday night to wake up for an internship on Saturday morning, take a deep breath, and fast-forward a few years. Think of what you are involved in and what you are doing to get ahead in college…would you hire you? This is not suggesting you stop all resemblances of fun for the rest of your college career, but making time for a few resume building activities and experiences will only help you in the long run. If you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, ask your advisors/professors; they usually have access to professionals in the area where you may be able to get a foot in the door. Don’t forget career services! They have great resources and are always ready to help. Whatever you do and however you do it, don’t wait until three weeks before graduation to join an organization or look for an internship. Career development is definitely an investment worthy of your time!