Name: Ian Huntley
Year: Junior
Major: Public Relations
Relationship Status: Single
Hobbies: I enjoy playing soccer. I played at the collegiate level as a freshman at a smaller university. During the summer, I enjoy refinishing antique furniture for my mother. I absolutely love music. I’d save my iPod in a house fire if there were one (god forbid). I play the piano, violin, and organ, which have really shaped my life. I’ve been playing violin since I was 4 years old and piano since I was 7. I also enjoy singing, although I don’t think others enjoy it. I always hum in public and people look at me like I’m crazy. Either join in, or accept it.
Favorite Movie: I’d be the worst movie critic because I like every movie. I think my favorite would be Hitch. Will Smith is a phenomenal actor and the movie has all of the great components. It’s funny, smart, romantic, and it’s got the gorgeous Eva Mendes.
Favorite Food: I like all foods, but I love Italian the most. For desert, it’s cheesecake!
Craziest Thing You’ve Done in College: Uhhh, I hope my mom doesn’t read this! This is embarrassing, but probably the craziest moment was when I got talked into giving lap dances to women. Everyone was fully clothed. Clearly not my finest moment.
Best Song to Sing in the Shower to: “It Takes Two,” by Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock. It’s not even close to my favorite song, but it is such a fun one. Once, I was actually singing it in the dorm shower, and sang the high woman’s part “It takes two to make a thing go right,” and the kid next to me, unexpectedly finishes the chorus in his high pitched voice, “It takes two to make it outta sight.” I was laughing so hard I couldn’t move.
Favorite Place to Go on the Weekends in Cedar Falls: My favorite places in Cedar Falls are friend’s houses. Whether it’s chill or a party, it’s a good time (mostly). I like The OP on the hill with its great pizza and fun atmosphere at night.
Biggest Pet Peeve: My biggest pet peeves are people that change their opinions to be liked and people with bad taste in music. Please have a variety in your taste of music. It’s so frustrating when I hear people talk about loving Top 40 songs. I can’t talk about any other band with them because they only know the big names. The most recent terrible song? Enrique Iglesias’ Tonight (I’m F**kin’ You) is not a good song, musically. Then you look at the lyrics and it’s just awful. Not classy, Enrique.
What You Look For in a Girl: I like girls who are versatile. I don’t want to spend every night watching movies, nor do I want to put my party pants on every night. I’m always intrigued by unique girls that stand out from the crowd, whether it’s with their looks, ideas, or actions. I’m a very observant person and will notice how they carry themselves and their actions. If they stand out, I’ll approach them. I’m not that guy who attacks anything that moves.
Idea of a Perfect Date: Whew! That’s a tough one. I believe that everything is situational. The perfect date depends on the timing and feeling. If it’s the first date, I avoid the cliché dinner and movie. I like to stand out. There are differences in casual dates and dating-dates. My perfect date would be something that has a lot to offer. Carnivals, for example, are great because there are shows, rides, food, etc. and this can offer a lot of talking points and activities. It’s never dull. Not to mention it’s usually in summer so the glistening sweat is pretty sexy for both parties.
Most Romantic Thing You’ve Ever Done for a Girl: I’m actually a pretty romantic guy and I find it fun to think of unique things to do. I think my best romantic moment was when I once asked a girl out. When we first met, she invited me to her room to play “Boxers or Briefs.” In the game, there’s a blank card with unfinished statements like, I am___, I like ___, etc. so that you can fill in the blanks for more variety. I snuck over to the girl’s room when she was away and asked her roommate for the blank card. One night I asked the girl to go out for a walk and it was a little chilly. I gave her my jacket. She reached in the pocket and pulled out the card, asking what it was. I didn’t say anything as she started reading it out loud. I don’t remember exactly what I wrote in the blanks, but it went along the lines of: I am enjoying myself with you. I like you a lot. I want to take you out…. I hope you’ll say yes. She said yes. ;)
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