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Meet Your HC Team: Tehrene Firman, Editor-in-Chief

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNI chapter.

Meet Your HC Team: Tehrene Firman, Editor-in-Chief
“The Taylor Swift of Journalism”

Hey colligiettes! I’m Tehrene, the Founding Branch Editor of Her Campus University of Northern Iowa!  Not gonna lie, I’m pretty pumped about everything to do with our branch.  From the second I was born (okay maybe not quite that long ago), I’ve been completely and utterly obsessed with magazines.  My love for magazines, combined with my passion for writing, leaves me only one logical choice in life and that is to do whatever it takes to make it in the journalism world.  I couldn’t feel any luckier getting the amazing opportunity to bring something to UNI that we’ve never had before— a colligiettes guide to life!  You’re in for a wild ride. We have a great team that knows exactly what they’re talking about. There are fashion experts, beauty pros, relationship gurus, and of course some “Campus Cuties” that will leave you drooling.  Get excited— ‘cause this is just the beginning!
If you haven’t had enough of me…
Year at UNI: Junior
Major: Public Relations
Minors: Journalism (wish it was a major!) and Marketing
Hometown: Nashua, Iowa
Interesting Fact about Me: I eat noodles and butter for breakfast on a regular basis.
Hobbies: Dancing, writing, rockin’ She’s the First*{UNI}, and singing my heart out in the Vocal AmmUNItion Show Choir…and in the shower. Usually to Glee songs.
Favorite Food: Fettuccine Alfredo
Dream Job: Writing for my favorite magazine!
Tweet Me! @tehrene

Email me at tehrenefirman@hercampus.com to get involved with Her Campus UNI!