Name: Alex deGrasse
Age: 21
Hometown: Glastonbury Ct
Major: Both Political Science and Classical Studies
Celebrity Crush: I really like everything about Kate Upton
Perfect First Date: conversing on a couch with a lot of wine and aged Whole Foods cheddar cheese, maybe a movie.
First Thing You Look For in a Girl: if she can easily hold a relevant conversation with confidence.
Favorite Memory at Union: just the fact that some of the first people I met here are now some of my closest friends
What’s On Your Bucket List: probably becoming a Senator or something like that?
Coolest Place You Have Ever Been To: East Chop Martha’s Vineyard, it’s a truly surreal second home
Place You Want To Visit: I look forward to hitting this Cape Town South Africa Mini Term
What made you want to run for Junior Trustee?: I just got the feeling that a lot of people were really under represented and uninformed regarding pretty important aspects of our school. I could sense that people wanted some sort of change. So being 100% for the people, why not run.