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Beat Cold Weather Blues: The Ten Best Pick-Me-Ups

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Days are shorter, backpacks are getting heavier, and the blues are setting in. While you may not suffer from something as serious as seasonal depression, the chill might be making you feel a bit down. Here are some classic pick-me-ups to make those blah days and the cold weather less dreary.

Hug your cat
Pick up your dog, cat, or (if you live in a dorm) pillow pet and give them a good squeeze. Spending quality time with pets will put a smile on your face even if Fido sheds all over you. If you’re really feeling adventurous, head over to the pet store or local pound and pick up a new best friend! 

Check it off
Don’t have a bucket list? Make one. Whether it includes lion taming, bungee jumping, or just saying hi to that cute boy in your chem class, make a conscious effort to do something that you’ve always dreamt of doing. Nothing improves a mood more than taking a cue from Nike and just doing it.

Drink up
Stop by the nearest Scooters or Starbucks on your way to class or work and pick up a pumpkin spice latte, or another seasonal drink that warms your hands and satisfies your fall cravings. This is also the perfect time of year to plan coffee dates with your girlfriends or significant others.

Get out of bed
Although it’s tempting to hibernate in your bed all day, this may actually just make you feel worse. So whether you run, power walk, or just jump around your room, get up and move. Studies show that exercise relieves stress and is an instant mood brightener.

Call your mom
Who can calm you down and put your bad days in perspective more than your mother? A phone call to anyone close to you will reassure you that your bad day really isn’t all that bad. Skype or FaceTime even allow you to talk face to face even if you’re not in the same room.

Retail therapy
Sometimes, dropping a little cash on that dress you’ve had your eye on or some cute new fall boots is all you need for a pick me up. Online shopping is an added convenience that allows you to stay cuddled on your couch while adding new style to your wardrobe. Try visiting websites like wanelo.com, which allows users to post products from stores all around the world and save products to buy later.

Have a slumber party
Who said slumber parties are just for middle-schoolers? Put your sleeping bags in a circle and start things out with a classic game of truth or dare. A night of gossiping and hanging out with your best girlfriends may be just what you need to recharge for the real world. To end the night, pop in some classic eighties movies and whine about why John Cusack isn’t outside of your window holding a boom box. 

Give in to guilty pleasures
Go ahead, watch Miss Jay strut the catwalk on America’s Next Top Model, or Snookie go clubbing. Giving into those guilty pleasures that you don’t want anyone else to know about may be exactly what you need to turn your day around. And it doesn’t have to be TV either. Buy a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and hold off on feeling guilty about it for just one more day.

Do something nice
Whether it’s for the Lincoln campus or your old next-door neighbor, do something good for the community. There are several places around Lincoln that gladly accept volunteers, and you don’t have to do anything more than give a friendly hello to make someone’s day, while improving your own.

Unleash your inner child
Coloring. Juice boxes. Reruns of Scooby Doo episodes. Revisiting your childhood will put a smile on your face and bring back great memories. Play hide-and-go-seek, or make a mess by finger painting. Who says these activities are just for kids?Â