The beloved Oprah Winfrey, is best known for her very successful talk show that is aired internationally from 1986 to 2011. Her successful career also includes her being a phianthropist, publisher and a producerÂ
Oprah Winfrey was born in Mississippi and struggled with a troubled adolescence. After being sexually abuse by multiple male members of her family, she decided to move to Nashville with her father. She attended Tennesse State University in 1971 and studied radio and broadcasting.Â
After college, Oprah has been apart of many TV stations. After being apart of People Are Talking , A.M. Chicago and then finally the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1986. The show is a national program and 10 million viewers. She soon gained ownership of the program from ABC, and made it related to Harpo Productions (Oprah spelled backwards).Â
Oprah’s show stood out from the others because she decided not to talk about trashy tabloid topics with her viewers. At first this lowered her ratings but then her viewers started to support and respect her and she became loved for it.Â
Today, she is still considered to be America’s sweetheart.Â