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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Coachella, the one music festival that everyone in the state of California looks forward to as soon as the previous one ends. Coachella is the pefect opportunity to show off your amazing street style and how creative you can get when it comes to yout outfit, makeup and your hair. Here are some cute snapshots of inspiration for when you come up with what your’e deciding to wear this year! 



Coahella is a lot about the bangals with chunky necklaces and the hippie shorts with crochet tops. Even if you are not one with stacked bracelets and long dancing chain necklaces, you should make sure to stock up! 


Hats & Flash Tattoo

Flash tattoos are becoming really big. It’s a simple tattoo except they’re flashier and come with many different kinds of colors and are appliable in many different areas. Depending on the shape of tattoo, they’d look good on your hand, arms, back, neck (as a choker), your ankles etc. 

Floppy hats are definitely a fashion statement and would pull the outfit together. They also come in all different kinds of colors so you should try to find one that would match all your tattoos!


Long skirts and crop tops

You could also not go wrong with a long bohemian skirt with a simple top. Pull it together with a cute pair of sunglasses and strappy sandles.


Lastly, pull your outfit together with a little bit of sparkle on your face that would draw attention to your eye shadow or your unique shade of lipstick. Try to get creative with this; you’ll definitely stand out if you decorate yourself.