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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

 Next week is “dead week” and that only means one things: finals. Studying for finals is hard enough without the added anticipation of summer right around the corner! Here are some expert college study tips that can help you finish out this year strong.

I know you probably hear this all the time from parents and teachers but getting enough sleep is THE best way to do well on anything. Pulling an all-nighter is the number one thing you want to avoid before taking an exam; all of your extra studying will be for a waste anyways because your brain can’t take the lack of rest. The key to getting a restful night of sleep is time management.


This should be an obvious fact but just to remind you: PLAN YOUR WEEK AROUND STUDYING. Know what subject to study, when, where, and for how long. Even plan out when to take breaks, sleep, and eat. The more you plan ahead the more in control and relaxed you will feel during this stressful week.


Everyone has their own study preferences that work best for them. Where you study can completely determine how productive you are. If you are easily distracted,  Starbucks or union are probably not the best places to study. We all know that even studying in your room can be extremely distracting- the next episode of Gossip Girl calling your name, or your laundry that hasn’t been done in weeks suddenly becomes extremely appealing. Find a quiet place where you can stay focused and bring all your study materials, music, snacks, anything you could possibly need.

Completely isolating yourself during this week is unrealistic and unnecessary. Mix up studying alone and with study groups. If you pick the right group, study groups can be extremely helpful and stress-relieving. This is also the perfect week to utilize your professors’ and TAs’ office hours! Remember that they are there to help you.

When you are planning your study week, do not forget to schedule in breaks to relax. Going for a walk is a great way to give your mind a rest. Sometimes rewarding yourself by watching ONE episode of Nashville or checking ONE social media after reaching mini study goals is a really effective study method.