For iPhone and Android owners, there are hundreds of thousands of apps that will give anything from daily horoscopes to a detailed report about what phase the moon is in. Apps have the ability to let users review restaurants, hotels, and…guys? Lulu, an app created by Alexandra Chong, let’s women anonymously connect through Facebook and review guys based on appearance, humor, manners, ambition and commitment. Chong started the app at Florida State University and the University of Florida as a way for women to find out if that cute guy in history class is #CheaperThanABigMac or #NerdyButILikeIt. As the “About Us” section of the app explains,
“At the end of the day, Lulu is all about encouraging good, gentlemanly behaviour, and providing a platform that makes girls’ research easier and more fun. Ultimately, we see Lulu as a private network dedicated to women and relationships, providing an online extension and enhancement of the kind of information and support that women provide each other in real life.”
While Lulu was made with the good intent of keeping women from falling for a wolf in sheep’s clothing, there are definite fallbacks. Our fixation with judging others based upon social media could lead us to writing off our next prince charming. Who can deny that they’ve dismissed potential suitors based on their “lame” Facebook or Twitter? It may be a novel idea, but talking to a guy may be the most accurate way of determining whether he is #HygienicallyChallenged or a #TeddyBear.