Cover photo by Stanley Dai
If you constantly find yourself planning ahead, organizing, and aiming for perfection odds are you neatly fall into the type A personality. You’re part of a special group of students and sometimes you wish everyone else would just get on your level. If you fit into this group you will definitely relate to this list of grievances for type A college students. Â
1. When you get terrible partners for a group project. Scratch that. All group projects are the WORST.
Every type A student has had the experience of doing all the work because they can’t handle to stress of no one else doing their part.
2. When you go over to a friends place and it’s a complete wreck.
How do you live like this? Should I start cleaning for you?
3. When your friend suggests that you should chill the whole day and you sincerely don’t know what that means.
Is this supposed to be fun? I could be getting work done right now.
4. When people tell you that you’re too serious, professional, or mature for your age.
I’m going to need you to understand that I’m a 30 year old stuck in a 20 year olds body and there’s nothing you can do about it.
5. When its 6 p.m. on a Friday and no one has tried to make plans yet.
Why must I do everything? Note to self: make more type A friends.
6. When no one in the crew can decide where to eat.
I’m going to need everyone to get it together right now.
7. When you can’t sleep at night because you can’t stop thinking about what needs to be done.
Just let me sleep!
8. When the professor extends the deadline for an assignment but you had it done days ago.
Have people really not started this yet?
9. When you get asked if you’ve registered for classes yet and can’t respond with anything other than DUH?
Then you think back to when you analyzed all of your options by color coding and researching for hours. If only they knew…
10. When you get stuck behind people walking super slow on campus.
Do you not have anywhere to be? How can you be so relaxed? Do you not care that you’re blocking the walkway? There are so many questions.
11. When you wake up late for class and are forced to leave without cleaning your room.
Don’t look back. It will just make it harder.
12. When walking into a frat house gives you actual anxiety.
Do humans actually LIVE here? Should I offer to help them? No, no retreat.
13. When you see people turning in exams and you’re still on the first page.
Do you have no regard? Do you not double-check your answers?
14. When your professor replies to your e-mail days later with just “okay” or “thanks”.
I sent you a multi-paragraph e-mail with a signature and you respond with okay?! The insanity.
15. When some random dude you’ve never talked to asks for your notes for the exam.
Do I even know you?
16. When a meeting runs late and throws off your entire schedule.
Could this have just been an e-mail?
17. When just the thought of losing your agenda triggers a panic attack.
This thing is my life.
18. When finals are almost over and you imagine a stress free summer.
The end is in sight!
19. Running student organizations is your thing.
Like it’s hard or something?
20. When nothing goes according to your plan.
When life isn’t perfect you have to learn to roll with the punches.