1. Frantically running outside at the first sight of autumn.
Is it here? Is fall FINALLY here? Every Texan anxiously awaits for fall to relieve them from the hot weather that never seems to end.
2. Running to Bath & Body Works with a pumpkin spice latte in hand to buy EVERY fall scented candle in sight.
All the things!!! Did we mention we’re also head over heels for fall wreaths and at home decorations?​
3. Cooking any fall recipe you can find.
I’m about to become Martha Stewart up in here. Apple pie? No problem!
4. Going shopping for a fall wardrobe.
Finally, an outfit with something other than shorts and tank tops.​
5. Making a trip to the pumpkin patch!
Let’s get spooky!​
6. Realizing that it’s still hot outside and it’s time to resort back to shorts and t-shirts unless you want to die of heat stroke.
Why does it have to end this way? Should I move up north?​