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Back To School From The Holidays: How To Re-establish Routines

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

It’s that time of year again: when 80% of college students collectively shudder at the thought of returning to school. Yes, the holiday break ends, and reality is settling back in. Back to school season is here and some of us got used to sleeping at 6 am and waking up at 5PPM to get up and eat and return to bed to doom scroll and catch up on our favorite shows. Some of us had jobs to attend to and money to make during the holidays which may have made the break also feel dreadful but we can all unanimously agree that we all feel the same chills when we start receiving those Canvas notifications. Habits are hard to break and since school is back, it’s time we break the winter break habits and start our school habits to ensure that we make this through this semester hopefully with a full head of hair and good grades. Re-establishing routines after a break (whether it’s after a holiday, a vacation, or any significant time off) can feel like a challenge, but it’s also a great opportunity to get back on track and even tweak your habits for better productivity, balance, and well-being. Here are some tips for easing back into a structured routine:

  1. Start Slow 
  • Although it’s easy to jump back into routines, it’s not as simple as it may seem. Fixing sleep schedules and creating habits and new routines may be harder than it looks so be realistic and start slow. Try going to bed earlier and start slowly incorporating the habits you want to be included into your new semester a few days before the school year starts to make sure you’re on track by the time school begins.
  1. Create A Clear Plan
  • Have a clear plan and goal for what you want your habits to be and what you want your daily schedule to be. Make sure that it’s simple and attainable but also flexible because life is not always predictable. Having a clear vision or schedule will make it easier to start a new routine and will make it easier for you to adjust. Tip: Consider using a planner, digital calendar, or a time-blocking app to organize your day. Visualizing your tasks can help you stay on track.
  1. Get The Hard Ones Out Of The Way
  • Staying on track and attending to a schedule may be very challenging and there are going to be some things you don’t want to do but remember that once you get the hard things out the way, everything else can only be easier. One way to reestablish focus is by tackling your most dreaded task or a priority goal first thing in the morning. This will give you a sense of accomplishment to carry throughout the day. Tip: If you’re overwhelmed by tasks, break them into smaller, more manageable chunks to avoid burnout.
  1. Hold Yourself Accountable
  • Being able to hold yourself accountable is a very hard but important skill that not only builds grit but builds discipline. If you’re finding it hard to hold yourself accountable, ask a friend or a family member to be your accountability buddy so that they can check up on your progress and motivate you when needed.

There are few things tougher than re-establishing a new routine for the upcoming semester but having a set routine is very important. The key is to be realistic and consistent and to walk with intent for yourself and your future. I hope these tips sparked some ideas for your upcoming semester, good luck to you and your new routine!

Hi! My name is Katshia Antonio. I am a sophomore and I currently attend UNT. I am also the senior editor of HerCampus. My favorite things to do in my free time is going thrifting, hanging out with friends and watching movies.