With the first month of 2021 almost over, it’s important to keep in mind your goals for the year. 2021 should be all about self-growth, finding who you are, and becoming comfortable with you as an individual. It is time to glow up and grow up!
With this, I am giving you a list of all my self-care tips and ideas on how to begin to love spending time with yourself.
1. Set aside time specifically for you!
This can be a great way to check-in with yourself, making sure you still are finding time to do the things you love in addition to your normal routine. When you sacrifice your alone time your mental health can take a slow but steady turn downhill. Even besides that, you need to keep in mind who you are, and giving yourself some time alone can help you relax and reflect on everything that has happened. So put on a face mask, paint your nails, take a bath, and/or listen to music to relax.
2. Get into doing gratitude activities.
If 2020 has taught me anything, it was to be grateful for the little things. A great way to be able to keep this idea for the new year is to engage in different activities that promote gratitude. I have purchased a gratitude journal for one in which I am to write a couple of things I was grateful for that happened during the day. I also have started a jar of gratitude in which I put one thing I am grateful for a day specifically in it. Little activities like this that take ten minutes at most give you a chance to continue to reflect on how you have grown.
3. Indulge in your hobbies.
Remembering who you are is something I consider to be cohesive with your hobbies. If you don’t indulge in your hobbies then how are you to keep intact your true essence. Whether it is reading anime, cooking, drawing, painting, etc. take some time to engage in such giving you a chance to again relax and be happy.