Roses are red, violets are blue, beware of these dawgs, and stay safe boo . Now while I may no longer be able to speak as a fellow single girl this year, I can still speak from a single perspective. These college boys are dangerous and if you don’t set up proper boundaries for yourself, it could leave you emotionally scarred. I am no dating expert, but as an upcoming college senior I think I’ve learned a thing or two about how to stay safe around these college boys. I’m gonna try my best to give out some advice to help prevent you from committing the same mistakes many of us have. From my mistakes to your growth, here are three essentials to staying safe in these streets!
I made the mistake of not listening to the same regurgeta “you have to love yourself to love others” but after learning the hare way i stand by this trusttt. I genuinely believe that all of you who read this are amazing individuals, but none of that matters if you don’t believe it yourself. Before jumping into the dating scene, you should be able to value yourself highly. Channel in your inner Beyonce Renaissance Era and stand alone in your grace. Being in your presence is a privilege that can’t be easily earned, it’s time to put yourself first !
To loosely quote my mother, “Not everyone was raised like you were, stop expecting people to treat you how you would treat them”. I know it’s natural to want to see the best out of people, but not everyone in the dating scene has pure intentions (shocker). It’s important to know what you’re looking for and what you’re willing to allow. Without having those boundaries in place you may head down a path of hurt and confusion. 2025 is the year of healthy dating, let go of the delusions and see people for how they treat you, not their potential.
This may be an article to help you out during your dating era, it’s important to not limit yourself. The key to even accomplishing the first two essentials above is to find yourself first. Knowing who you are and what you’re looking for is the best way to find the perfect match/matches for yourself. If there’s any place to get to know yourself it’s while being at a University. Get out there and explore! Try different things, see what your likes and dislikes are in the dating scene. The best way to see this through is by being honest ! I encourage you to do what’s best for you, but let the people you’re dating know this initially to prevent any confusion down the line.
We are coming to an end now, it seems I have reached the limit to my dating advice. I am still a rookie to this whole dating deal, but I hope that with the knowledge I gave you all is able to take something from this! The real truth in the end is that there is no better teacher than yourself. The experiences and choices you make will be the best learning tool to having healthy relationships while dating. It’s ok to make mistakes, just don’t let the mistakes make you learn from them, grow from them, and try again!