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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

My free therapy this time of year is driving around with my windows down, enjoying the fresh air, and blasting some spring-y tunes. Here are some of my favorites!


  1. Best Friend by Rex Orange County. This song is a modern-day classic. If the color orange were a song, it’d be this one. 

  2. Wait a Minute! by Willow. This song was made for dramatic lip-synching in the mirror. 

  3. Animal Spirits by Vulfpeck. This song makes me want to dance in public with zero shame. 

  4. Avant Gardener by Courtney Barnett. This song is more chill than the others on this playlist, but it still puts me in a good mood. 

  5. Where This Flower Blooms by Tyler the Creator. This song literally has flower in the title. It feels like the wind in your hair. 

  6. Grace Kelly by MIKA. This is a perfect song for karaoke in your car. 

  7. Sweet Talk by Saint Motel. This song perfectly encapsulates that edge of spring-summer feeling. 

  8. You’re so Vain by Carly Simon. This song is immortal, and best to scream with every window in your car open. 

  9. Baby, I Love You by the Ramones. This song is especially fun to sing with a significant other. 

  10. Baby Blue by Fishmans. This song honestly has Animal Crossing vibes, and if that doesn’t tell you everything about it I don’t know what will.

Journalism major. I like dogs, poetry, and iced coffee, in that order.