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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

1. Make a List of Goals

If you do anything, do this! By sitting down and actively thinking about what you want to

accomplish this semester you will envision yourself being successful. This list can

include anything from going to the gym more regularly to earning an A+ in a course you

may be nervous about. Try to really think about how you want this semester to be

different, and what you’re going to do to make it happen. Lastly, place this list

somewhere you will see it every day. This way you are continually reminded of your

goals and don’t fall behind. If you don’t end up reaching your goals that’s okay! That

means you know what to put on next semesters list.

2. Get Ahead While You Can

A new semester is upon us, and syllabus week was a drag. It’s important that you don’t

fall behind. This means writing important dates in a planner, making sure you have all

your textbooks, and getting a routine down. Did I mention you need a planner? Don’t

skip out on this vital tool (I’m still not sure how some people manage without them).

3. Join Organizations

The beginning of a semester is the perfect opportunity to look into clubs you’ve thought

about joining. If you are even slightly interested attend the first meeting, and if you don’t

like it guess what? You’re not required to go back. You have nothing to lose!

4. Form Study Groups

It’s a good rule of thumb to get at least two people’s phone number/ e-mail from each of

your classes. This way you have someone to turn to if you have to miss a day of class.

Later in the semester these connections can start to form a study group. This will be very

important once that first test rolls around!


Have a great semester Mean Green Collegiettes!

BTW Does anyone need a professional organizer? I’m your gal!

What do you do to prepare for the new semester?


Type A Girl

Lauren is a Public Relations major at University of North Texas with a passion for blogging, DIY, food and learning about the world. She's a self-proclaimed Pinterest addict, coffee lover and constant smiler who can (almost always) be caught eating. She has a serious case of wanderlust and hopes to one day work for a lifestyle and PR firm, as well as publish work focusing on travel.
Orooj Syed is a senior at the University of North Texas, majoring in Biology and minoring in Criminal Justice. Between balancing her academics and extracurricular activities, she enjoys finding new places to travel and new foods to eat. Writing has always been one of her greatest passions and, next to sleeping, she considers it a form of free therapy.