It’s “Easy Meals Week” here at Her Campus UPR’s chapter, and usually, when you think of easy meals you want something quick with no more than four or five ingredients. As college students—be it undergrad or graduate—, we’re constantly on the move. Usually, I want to get as much sleep as possible, so I tend to gravitate towards time-saving meals that can be prepared in no more than ten minutes. Recently, I’ve been getting very into breakfast revolving around toast. Therefore, here are three quick and easy toasty breakfast ideas!
1. The Avocado Toast
Avocado toast will forever be customizable, and that is the beauty of it! You should have your avocado sliced and diced or turned into an awesome guacamole mix from the night before. Once you spread the guacamole mix over the bread, add whatever you want, be it: tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc. My usual is guacamole with slices of cherry tomatoes, Sriracha hot sauce, shredded cheese, and I cook two slices of bacon, cut them up into smaller pieces, and it’s done! Optional: add it to the microwave for 5-10 seconds, so you melt the cheese a bit. You’ll get parking at Sociales in no rush.
2. The Egg on Toast
This one is very customizable as well, and that makes it very fun unless you’re still stressing about that exam you have at 10:00 am. Prep your toast while you cook your egg. Again, I tend to add Sriracha for that extra spiciness; then, add cheese to one side and let that cook. Place it on your toast once that’s out, and you can eat it on one slice or make yourself a sandwich.
3. The Pizza Toast
For this one, you can make it while you get ready. Prep your oven at 135 degrees Fahrenheit and then add a non-stick spray, coconut or olive oil to your tray, covered in aluminum. Get a slice of bread, after having toasted it a bit, and add mozzarella cheese to it on top of marinara sauce. Let it cook for about 16 minutes with whatever other toppings you have decided to add (peppers, an egg, tomatoes or pineapple because we don’t judge here at Her Campus UPR). Sidenote, if you do add an egg to your breakfast pizza, let it cook in the oven for 16-20 minutes.
Those are three fast meals for when you’re on the go, late, stressing and everything that accompanies being a college student and/or part-time or even full-time worker! Happy munching.