In the first few years I’d been in college, I wanted to spend more of my time engaging in activities and making new friends, and I can safely say I‘ve made some progress over the years. I’m going to run through different methods and suggestions that worked for me, in the hopes that they can help all those people out there who are also longing for friendship but struggle a bit making new friends and finding the best ways to attend activities and enjoy the campus action. Take these as options to use when you’re out of ideas, so you can hopefully find the best ways to fulfill those goals.
As an ambivert, I know how difficult it is to make good friends and form meaningful relationships that last. This is why my first suggestion would be to know what type of socializing works for you. Are you socially outgoing? Do you work well interacting with people you don’t know? Are you better at breaking the ice by texting and then socializing in person? These are all important questions you can use to determine the best way for you to form a connection with someone. If you’re a hardcore introvert, I have some bad news for you babe, you HAVE to go out of your way sometimes to get what you want, but the good news is that you don’t have to exceed your social battery limits. Here are some ways that facilitate the process of socializing and meeting new people.
- Classes
First, take a look at the students in your classes. If there’s someone who could potentially be your buddy, the best way to approach them would be to ask them something about the class and get their contact information. In that process, you can then ease your way into social events, it doesn’t have to be too big! You can invite them out for lunch on campus, go spend some time at the library, or maybe help each other out by studying together. Now, remember these things can be a hit or miss so don’t beat yourself up if a potential friendship doesn’t work out, the good thing is there’s always a buddy out there for each of us.
- Join clubs or associations
Another thing you can do that’s related to the previous suggestion would be to join a club or an association that’s connected to something you like. When you’re around people who share the same interests as you, the socializing aspect is smoother and the chances of a potential buddy are higher. For my extroverted and outgoing besties, one way you can achieve this is by asking for your potential friend’s socials, that way you can ease your way in by engaging with them via social media. By doing this, you can get to know another aspect of that person and it leaves open interaction for conversation and engaging with them. A friendship can also start online, certain apps recommend people whom you are compatible with, or you can even try to socialize through some social media pages that are related to your university, that way you can get to know people within campus, which is essentially the purpose of social media, so let’s use that to our advantage.
- Campus activities
Another way of socializing could be by going to activities. There’s always something going on at the campus so the best way to stay up to date with activities is to follow some pages online that let you know what, when, and where these events are taking place. Here are some of the pages you should follow if you attend the Rio Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR-RP).
- @lenguasextranjeras_uprrp
- @deportesuprrp
- @ceh.uprrp
- @cecn_uprrp
- @ccmeuprrp
- @upr.rp
- @museouprrp
- @mujer.genero.uprrp
- @cm.afro.uprrp
- @historiadelarteuprrp
- @librosrarosjtf
- @cam.uprrp
- @dcodeuprrp
- @cgeuprrp
- @elpublicouprrp
- @empleo_uprrp
- @patitaamigauprrp
These pages were made by students and staff at UPR-RP and they keep you updated on the many events, discussions, presentations, and activities hosted around campus. This is a great way to get updated on those things you might miss around your day-to-day.
Another way of knowing what events are taking place on campus is by having a look around the bulletin boards in your own department. Most events have flyers or banners around the premises, so don’t dismiss them so quickly when you’re walking by them to your classes because you might find something that interests you that could ultimately be a gateway to socializing with new people.
Some of the best events happen when we’re not even aware of them taking place. It’s a trivial part of your enjoyment as a student to immerse yourself in campus culture by attending these activities and you will certainly take something with you when you go, let it be a friend, a good time, or a life experience. With this said I hope that these tips and tricks can help you socialize and not only have a good time but meet potential new friends as well!