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4 Alternatives to Everyday Products That Will Help You Live More Sustainably

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

With Earth Day approaching on the 22nd of April, and with the feeling of impending doom we all seem to get when talking about topics related to the state of our planet’s environment, I thought it would be the perfect time to talk about little alternatives to some products we use on our day to day that can brush off the guilt about our carbon footprint or the damage we’re making to the environment. And fear not, I tried to make these alternatives as budget friendly as possible. Now, some of these options might not seem like news, others might be alien to you, but without further ado, here are some eco-friendly alternatives to everyday products:

  1. Reusable period products.

If you are a person that has to deal with the “crimson wave” on a monthly basis, you know well enough that the amount of waste that is produced from tampons and pads alone is astronomical. Taking into account that periods usually last about 2 to 7 days and the fact that it’s recommended to change a pad every 3 to 4 hours (8 hours max for tampons) the products add up. That is why some companies have opted for offering reusable products such as reusable pads or the famous “Diva Cups”. Although many people have shied away from using these because they don’t know enough information about them, there are many resources out there that can educate you on the matter. 

Here are some options for products you can start with:

Estimated price: $24.99 **includes 10 reusable pads you can use as many times as you desire**

Estimated price: $33.71 *You can use it for up to a year**

  1. Reusable “cotton” pads
Cotton Balls &_Q Tips
Ellen Gibbs / Spoon

Be it for skincare or removing makeup, cotton pads are a staple for many. Unfortunately though, they pose a big threat to our environment when made with plastic. Even more so, given to how many are used on a daily basis. I mean, many of us know how makeup usually takes a good 2 to 3 cotton pads to take off completely. 

Luckily, there are reusable options! With just one wash, you can say goodbye to having a bathroom trash can filled with cotton pads. 

Here’s an option you can check out!: 

Estimated price: $9.99 for a pack of 20

  1. Solar powered battery chargers

With advances in technology, a lot of us tend to be on our electronic devices during a big chunk of our day. Since we haven’t discovered a way to make electronic devices to never run out of battery yet, we are bound to put down the device and let it recharge once in a while. And this process of plugging your device on a cable connected to a wall, means that you’re contributing to electricity plants’ fuel that sadly damages the environment. But not to worry! Another way we can get energy for our devices is… the sun! And with that came the solar powered batteries. 

Here are some you can definitely check out:

Estimated price: $18.99

  1. Cute tote bags for grocery shopping!

Tired of having to pay 10 cents for each plastic bag at the grocery store? Bags that ultimately end up in your trash or on the floor (unless you recycle them, which if you do, great!). Bags that are made of plastic and are not biodegradable at all? Fear no more! Now, you can go grocery shopping with stylish bags that you can use each and every time. And their cute designs will ensure you don’t forget to bring them with you the next time you go on your mini shopping trip. 

Here are some cute designs!:

Estimated price: $19.99 for 6 bags 

So, there you have it! Of course, you don’t have to buy all of these, but rather get inspired and know that there are options out there for us to help the environment a bit more with each passing day. The state of nature has been slowly declining for the past years, so it is time to come up with new solutions to old problems and stand by them. I hope you enjoyed the list and remember to always reduce, reuse, and recycle!

Ana Emmanuelli is the current Co-Chapter Leader and President at Her Campus UPR. Apart from assisting in overseeing the work of each team – be it the Editing Team, Writing Team, and/or Social Media Team- she also carries out administrative duties such as sending weekly notices to members, keeping track of chapter level requirements, and communicating with Her Campus Nationals. Lastly, she has been an active contributor to the magazine for four consecutive years and previously held the role of Vice-President. Even though she is very much passionate about writing, she is now completing her fifth year as an undergrad majoring in Biology at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, which highlights her interest in the topics of science and health within her articles. In her free time, she loves reading classical literature and watching mind-bending movies with complex plots. She also loves to come up with new sketches and ways to create any type of art.