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5 Things You’ll Miss if you Live on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Summer has come to an end and now classes start again. The beginning of the academic year means independence and freedom. You’ll be able to make your own decisions and take care of yourself without anyone’s help, especially if you live on campus. However, even with this excitement there will always be some things that make you miss home.


1. Home cooking

Source: Giphy

Everyone can admit that there’s nothing like food made by your family. There’s something about it that can’t be imitated or replaced by anyone else, not even by you. Maybe it’s the love or just plain talent, but one thing’s for sure, it’s always delicious and makes you feel like you’re definitely home.


2. Pets


No one is ever ready to leave them. Even after years, it’s impossible to not miss our pets and you know they miss you back. It’s impossible to wait for that first moment when you walk through the door and you’re equally excited to see them as they are to see you. There’s no love as pure as that.


3. A moment to relax

Source: Giphy

The bed is the most sacred and peaceful place in the house and after a hard week of being sleep deprived all you really want to do is sleep and relax. There is always something to do at your campus, like working on projects and extracurriculars. Being back home means you can breathe a little.



4. Family

Source: Giphy

Even though college is a time for independence and to take advantage of the “freedom” there is nothing like spending time with family. You don’t want to waste any second without them when you’re at home because you won’t be seeing them again for a while.


5. Less responsibility

Source: Pexels

At home, there isn’t the same amount of responsibility as there is when you’re back on campus. Other family members do part of the work so you don’t have as many tasks. It’s not a nice thought to go back to the monotony of horrible traffic, going to class, doing readings, homework, etc. However, that’s why the weekend exists! It doesn’t matter how you spend it, what’s important is to enjoy the time you have.


Even though being home is great, University will give you the chance to have a lot of opportunities to grow as a person and gain new experiences along the way. There is no place like home, but there is also no place like the campus.Be open to new challenges and people so you can have the best use of your time there. Believe it or not, time flies so enjoy your time at campus as much as you can. I wish you all have a great new semester!

Image [thumbnail] source: Pexels