This week at Her Campus at UPR, we’re going to try and bring awareness to Planet Earth’s struggle with pollution, which is really really bad. The pollution of our environment is an important issue that needs to be addressed. America alone produces over seven hundred thousand tons of garbage every day. The way we live affects animals, people and the environment as a whole. We hardly notice how much trash we produce in our daily life, but just by making some small changes in our lives, we take a step towards a cleaner and healthier planet.
1. Use reusable bags.
Thankfully, there are laws now that don’t allow businesses to give out plastic bags. In Puerto Rico, you either don’t get bags or get reusable bags. So, this a reminder to keep reusable bags in your car for when you go grocery shopping. You can also invest in reusable produce bags rather than using the little plastic ones in stores.
2. Use a reusable bottle.
Buying plastic water bottles can produce a lot of waste: they end up in the ocean or a landfill, especially if you don’t recycle them. Using a reusable bottle means less waste and saving money on ridiculously expensive water. Unless there is a contamination crisis where you live and you don’t have access to clean water, it is much better to drink from the tap. If you’re still finicky about your tap water, invest in a filter!
3. Eat out less.
Buying take-out food creates a lot of trash. Between the containers, plastic cutlery, plastic bags, napkins, straw, and sauce packets, we end up throwing away a lot of stuff. I know its a lot easier to order food, but try eating homemade food more often. It’ll save you money, and you end up eating healthier!
4. Explore ethical fashion
Fast fashion is incredibly damaging to the environment. The textile industry produces a lot of waste as well. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, but hope is not lost. You can help by investing in ethical clothing lines. Here you can learn about some Puerto Rican designers focused on sustainability. Also, remember to always donate old clothes to charities or others who can reuse them.
5. Ditch single-use only items.
Look for durable goods instead. Paying a little more upfront often means things will last much longer for you. Some of these items can be razors, paper towels, disposable silverware, etc. For people who menstruate, you can even consider buying non-disposable feminine-hygiene products such as the Diva Cup to create less waste.
The Earth is suffering, which means that so are we, and we can’t just ignore it. The key to reducing your own ecological footprint is to be mindful of everything you do. It might feel like you’re not doing enough to help, but if we all joined together to help the environment, imagine all the change we could make!