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Campus Cutie: Manuel Menendez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

“Manu!” I turned around to notice a friend calling a bearded, young man with a surfer’s look towards him – I instantly knew who I wanted to interview for this week’s Campus Cutie. You probably have seen him, sitting in front of the natural science’s library during lunchtime, being friendly with everyone and saying hi to people passing by. Let’s find out what this mysterious man has to offer – I’m sure we’re all intrigued (and he has a beard!)


Name:  Manuel Menendez

Age: 20

Zodiac: Gemini

Relationship Status: Newly Single

Faculty: Biology, Natural Sciences

Favorite Hobby: Surfing, playing the guitar

Favorite Food: Anything! Rice and beans, steak, salad – you name it!

Favorite Hangout: Anywhere as long as my friends are there


HCUPR: You like to surf, play guitar, and you’re studying biology – hold up! Let’s start from the top. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Manuel: I want to become an orthopedic surgeon, specializing in sports medicine.


HCUPR: I’m intrigued! How’d you learn about that specific career path?

Manuel: Honestly, I wanted to become a computer engineer as I entered high school. However, I began to play American football and I hurt myself really badly, in which I had to go to an orthopedic doctor. As I sat there, I realized I wanted to be where the doctor was – treating patients and helping people all the time. I asked if I could shadow once in a while, and the doctor actually let me do the whole summer shadowing him and his team. I experienced different surgeries – hands on! I learned about teamwork and how surgeries work overall. I knew I wanted to do this when I grew up – this was something that was mine. 

HCUPR: Woah! Let me clear something out though, an orthopedic surgeon does what exactly?

Manuel: An orthopedic surgeon is pretty much the doctor who takes care of your muscles, joints, ligaments, etc.


HCUPR: Gotcha! What about surfing? How long have you been surfing?

Manuel: Since I was 7. My mom introduced me to it. She actually used to live in Hawaii and surf!


HCUPR: That is so cool! Tell me more!

Manuel: (Laughs) Actually she bought me my first board from Costco, I still remember it.

HCUPR: I wish I had a cool mom who surfed!

Manuel: She’s my best friend. I love her.


HCUPR: I’m dying of cuteness. What’s your favorite memory of surfing?

Manuel: I actually surfed in Spain once. It was so different! The water was freezing, and I had to wear a body suit. We surfed at the nude beach, I love Europe. 

HCUPR: Well, let’s switch to women. What’s your type?

Manuel:  Someone who’s not shy! I love when a woman that can have a conversation about anything. Someone who can join me to the beach when I surf. I like it when a girl has a close relationship with her family like I am with my Mom.


HCUPR: What have you learned from your past relationships?

Manuel: Honestly? To have balance in a relationship; give and take. I learned that it’s possible to stay friends after a relationship ends, too. All my exes are on good terms with me – it’s possible.


HCUPR: You’re the good guy. Well, what would you advice to the UPRRP women?

Manuel: Don’t look for love. Go and meet as many people as you can and love will find you on its own. I promise.


HCUPR: And for UPRRP students in general?

Manuel: I wish that everyone, including myself could experience the college life to the fullest. It’s something we’re not going to get back so study and enjoy being a college student – make it unforgettable.



* All photos were taken from Manuel’s Facebook.

Leyla Javadova is an Azerbaijani polyglot currently studying at the University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras Campus. Besides always being there for her loved ones, Leyla loves to pass her time in a small local coffee shop, drinking her extra sweet cup of freshly brewed coffee while listening to Lana Del Rey. Leyla enjoys writing about lifestyle, health, fitness, and dating advice. You can reach Leyla on Facebook or follow her on Instagram: @leyjavz